• The reaction between cement and water are the primary causes of the setting of concrete. The setting time for cement and concrete is determined using the Vicat Apparatus.
  • By measuring the setting time for concrete/cement via the penetration resistance method (Vicat Apparatus), the time the concrete/cement can stay fresh can be determined. This time indicates the period the mix can stay in the mixer before pouring it into the moulds/frameworks.
  • Complete with the frame, mould, initial setting time needle, consistency plunger, glass thermometer and the base glass plate.

Technical Specifications

  • Set comprises:
  • Vicat Frame (C-090/F)
  • Vicat Mould (C-090/M)
  • Initial Needle (C-090/IN)
  • Consistency Plunger (C-090/CP)
  • Glass Thermometer (GTC)
  • Glass Plate (C-090/GP)